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Increasing Your Connection To Life
All living things have an energy field that emanates from them we generate an electrical field through us and around us that connects and has an influence on the field of the environment that we live in. The living energy of the electromagnetic planetary/universal life force.
When our bio electrical field is flowing unimpeded we feel ‘connected to life and function more efficiently we are in harmony with our environment on a subtle but very powerful level.
This field, under certain conditions i.e. Kirlian photography can be observed and is commonly known as the aura. Psychics and adepts and sensitive are also able to see this field others can sense, but not actually see, the fields of other people. In reality most people can detect the field from others, such as walking into a room with hostile people in it. Many though don’t understand what it is they are picking up quote a friend of mine who believes nothing of the immediately unobservable world asked me, after a particularly difficult relationship end I had gone through, if I had met any other men I answered no and was told by her that people would just sense what I was feeling and that I was not over my past relationship, no matter what I said She didn’t think about how or why they would be able to do so!
New science has discovered that our hearts have an electromagnetic field around them which extends beyond our physical bodies. Everything we do affects what is held in our personal field¦. What we eat, what we think, what we do all has an effect on how we are vibrating in and connecting  or not with our energetic environment. The work of the HeartMath institute has shown this to great effect. Also Dr Bruce Liptons work shows how our thoughts create who we are not only on an energetic level but also our very cellular being.


Then it is probably correct to say that you are not conducting the bio electrical currents through your body efficiently. You have blockages in your circuits., energy gets stuck and there is ‘resistance to flow.
For optimum health we need to ensure that we are allowing the free flow of bio electrical currents throughout our bodies.
There are a variety of ways that we can assist the flow of what is essentially our life force.
The Radiance Technique is one such way of getting the flow going again and removing blockages .Once attuned i.e., circuits switched on, and applied to oneself or another a balance can be achieved enabling clearer thought, decisive actions and increased intuition.
Detoxification/Ionisation/Grounding is also a way this can be achieved.
When energetic blocks are moved increased awareness is available enabling a more creative life..Life quite simply becomes easier and you maintain a sense of well-being., everything works better.

Radiant relaxation and detoxification techniques and sessions will help to eliminate the stress built up in your mind and therefore your body¦.it is well researched nowadays and even the medical establishment admit that most illness is a product of stress. The world we live in is one of constant bombardment of pressures¦ Accumulated stress impairs our immune system making us vulnerable to disease.
We are also bombarded on a daily basis with pollution in our atmosphere, our food, domestic chemicals and so on and our bodies build up levels of toxins that need to be eliminated. This needs to be done on a reasonably regular basis as we are under constant attack


˜Caring for oneself and each other in our communities locally and globally. Accessing and expressing ones creative spirit and learning the ˜Freedom of play again, makes for happy people who spread joy and are more able to feel their connection to others and therefore empathy which leads to a more caring community.

To understand the world to understand we are a global community. To care for the whole rather than the single  the selfish  and realise it is time for more random acts of kindness.

We live in a rapidly changing world and must make the choice to evolve to thrive and live as free responsible beings in a self-organising system. Where everyone is cared for not just the few. For that to happen we need to think differently and therefore feel differently, so we can feel the connection that Quantum Science is now explaining.

From Me to We:

In order to care on a wide scale we must start with caring for ourselves. We cannot care for another properly if we do not care for our self. We need to learn to be nice to ourselves on every level.
In order to care for ourselves we have to be balanced and happy which is not easy in todays world of terrible news, global unrest, financial fear and alarming weather changes.
So how do we achieve this state of balance which will enable us to make the best decisions for ourselves our families our neighbourhoods and consequentially our global community?

Can I achieve harmony and balance in my life?

This is not a constant state  the feelings of harmony and balance fluctuate with the rhythms both natural and unnatural, and cycles of life. We lose our vital energy our life force to the everyday events in our lives pressure we are under in todays world causes our fight or flight response to be constantly on the alert flooding our bodies with corrosive chemicals  cortisol and adrenalin which cause all manner of problems, physical mental and emotional.

We need to find ways of regularly recharging our batteries so to speak so we are not running on empty. The Radiance Technique is one such way of maintaining balance and harmony on a daily basis.

Much More

We are much more than our physical bodies we are energy beings with energy fields that stretch beyond our physical selves and come into contact with the energy field of others.

Our Hearts have an electro-magnetic field which extends beyond our bodies what we hold in our heart be it the stress and fear that we are being bombarded with on a daily basis or ˜LOVE and a sense of our own personal power extends into the field around us.

When we sit together with focused intent and an open loving heart watch Gregg Braden

Finding your place of Joy

˜Pure play is the most powerful way to touch the divine and is actually what everyone is looking for at all times. Losing yourself is the key, as in losing the constructed aspects of yourself to reveal the pure you at the core of your being.
The Barefoot Doctor from his book Pure

We have been hoodwinked into believing that material gain things will bring us happiness,  this is not true. It is the inner knowing of who we really are and what we are capable of that will bring that feeling of peace we want.

We are powerful creators, getting in touch with our creative essence – learning how to play again, to free ourselves from the shackles of self-criticism and self- judgement. When we stop being so harsh on ourselves we become more tolerant and understanding of others.
Why play is so vital. watch

Lets learn to play again by getting in touch with our intuitive creative spirit.

Lets learn to play again with the freedom of children and see how we progress.

Creative Potential Workshops are friendly, informal and non-competitive. We concentrate directly on the intuitive CREATIVE process rather than producing a finished product.

For details of the next CP workshop or to book a Radiance Session please call or email
01273 773437/07980 472102
Sally Singer  2nd degree TRT (The Radiance Technique). Life Coach MASC. ACE.

Barefoot Doctor. The Message. Vision for a New World.

3000 years ago, Moses unveiled his 10 commandments on a tablet of stone to the chosen people.Now, Barefoot Doctor unveils The Message, also available in tablet format, to the chosen people of today:The Message that is written for the 21st centurys chosen people: those willing to take the next step in the evolution of mankind.The Message that outlines in detail the 7 once-secret Taoist principles for health, happiness and spiritual enlightenment.The Message that, if these principles are practiced, then life-enhancing values / commandments arise naturally from within, rather than being imposed from the outside; a natural template for living a brilliant life, no matter what is going on.The Message that – if such a life-enhancing outlook in engendered – then even Moses commandments can be interpreted in an enlightened and enlightening manner.The Message that – if youre open and ready to hear it – then God / Tao / Moses / Barefoot have something very special for you, right here, right now: VISION FOR A NEW WORLD.

I would very much like to introduce you to ‘The Message’ my good friend Steph, The Barefoot Doctor’s new book. The Barefoot Doctor is a blast and one of the most powerful teachers on the planet at this time.

The gist of THE MESSAGE is the time for focus on self-development is
now over as we’ve reached the tipping point of awakened people and the
time is now for focusing on collective evolution instead – THE MESSAGE
is that by learning centering (as per the Taoist style taught in the
book), we realize our angelic natures beneath the human disguise and
thereby evolve empathy and a natural set of inborn ethics in respect
of all our fellow angels, for which surprisingly the Ten Commandments
provide the perfect template as ten principles for enlightened grace,
as in when you know the other to be divine too, you’d never dream for
instance, of killing even their ideas let alone their person and so on
– and from all this arises a vision for a new world in which love is
the major world currency and the global economy is booming with it.

It’s an uplifting new way to approach the scenario of our present
world succumbing to the entropic urge as intractably as it seems to be
right now, and will lift your spirits and lend you new resolve to get
involved co-creating something way better than any of us have yet
dared dream of.
Via Barefoot Doctor. The Message. Vision for a New World..

PURCHASE ‘The Message’ here: (available in
all formats (amazon kindle and print, blurb, iBooks etc.)